Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I took my sister to the dentist the other day with my mum.  On the way out, my mum bumped into someone she had worked with at the local nursing home.  The lady's husband it turns out is the fellow I'd hear about who raises bison.  I had heard that he has a loyal clientele and was unlikely to have any to sell but I thought (as mum would say) 'what the heck' and told his wife that I'd be interested in ordering some.  

He called the other day.  So it looks like we are getting the front quarter of a bison sometime this week.  Should cost around $270 he said.  I don't buy meat from the grocery store and those killers at XL Foods but I think it'll work out to be equal or somewhat cheaper.  And the bison doesn't get fed GMO corn until it's almost dead like conventional beef cattle.  It's all grass and apples. So organic effectively and local.  Can't beat it.  

I guess perhaps that the reason people go to the grocery store for meat is because it's easy.  And maybe they don't have the money to put up for a big order.  Maybe we're just disorganized.  But think how much we could be supporting local beef (and bison) farmers instead of big feedlot companies?  Wouldn't that be better?

It's going to be a lot of meat.  We'll find room for it I'm sure.  And we can share it with friends and family too if there's too much.  I've never done this kind of big order before but there's always a first. 

I heard a doctor of Chinese medicine recently who said that a Chinese friend was shocked that in North America, summer is barbeque season.  He said that meat (especially red meat) is a hot food and is meant to be eaten during the winter.  It's not healthy to eat hot food in a hot season.  This makes sense to me.  Also it's a time of no fresh veg (unless you go to the grocery store and I resist).  So maybe it's a time for meat and potatoes.  

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