Monday, January 24, 2011

Leak On

Blessed are the leakers, for they fuck with the powerful.

Wikileaks is certainly inspiring a wealth of knowledge entering the public domain. And that's a good thing. States (including corporations which should always be counted as part of the state) should have no secrets.

Last week a former employee of a secretive Swiss bank released a wealth of information on the rich and powerful (and corrupt of course, how do you think they got so rich and powerful) to Julian Assange of Wikileaks. Ever wondered where all your government's development money ended up, ask a corrupt dictator? Or check out these files.

Yesterday Al-Jazeera and the Guardian released secret Israel-Palestine-US 'negotiating' records and documents. As usual the Palestinians as the weakest party are expected to give up the most in any settlement. Makes sense in our hierarchical culture. And the thing is that they did and still it wasn't enough. Check out this story outlining the unenviable position of the Palestinian Authority and hailing (finally) the end of the two-state solution. Good riddance!

And just moments ago a secret NATO document was released outlining Kosovo PM Hashim Thaci's deep ties to organized crime. Apparently Thaci profits from the smuggling of weapons and drugs and occasionally he'll slip in a few human organs for a few extra bucks. But he's one of the good guys, right? I'm confused, isn't that evil? Not when you're making money baby!

Bless you leakers. I'd love to join if only I knew anything of import.


  1. George Monbiot just provided comment on yet another leak of the UK government's dodgy position on bank bonuses. Bonuses for the rich, community centre closures for the poor! Up with Britannia, down with Socialism (or some shit like that):

  2. More leaking:
