Saturday, March 19, 2011

Blast Off

So the bombing has begun. Of course there's no question that we would dare to bomb the other dictators massacring their people: specifically Yemen and Bahrain. Both of which would be pushovers, unlike Libya. And anyway that would mean that we actually stand for something and not just securing oil.

But I read that already the US and the new 'Coalition of the Willing' have fired 110 Tomahawk missiles at Libya in one day. So let's make some calculations as to the cost of just firing these missiles. Remember these are weapons whose job it is to create nothing but burn up and destroy and sew misery.

According to a US military site, in 1999 dollars each Tomahawk costs $569,000. So I had to figure out how much that would be in 2011 dollars. I found an inflation calculator which showed that the number for each missile increases to $755,851.27 or 32.8 percent (scary and shows how quickly our hard earned money is rendered worthless--basically in 10 years the one dollar you made is now worth two thirds its value when traded for goods and services).

So in one day the Coalition of the Willing blew up $83,143,639.70. Keep up the good work boys!

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