Monday, March 25, 2013

Close Shave

A month or so ago we got Albert Nobbs out of the library.  A good movie, sad, but good.  I dread movies where someone works hard only to have their money (and sometimes their life) taken away from them by someone with more power or muscle.  Ever since the first scene where Nobbs opens the secret compartment where he has hidden his earnings over the years I knew what was coming.  I was so weary I actually couldn't watch. 

But this shit happens all the time.

So I was somewhat surprised to see the banksters and their politicians trying to fleece the people of Cyprus.  They wanted to go into everyone's account and take a percentage of the contents to fund, get this, a bailout of the banks.  So they'll take people's money and give it to the bank that was previously holding it for them?!  This economist stated it pretty plainly and clearly:

Now not only are they planning on cutting important social programs and handing tax cuts to corps and various rich folks but now they want to take money out of our accounts.  I say our accounts because the dumbass Dutch finance minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem says fleecing people will be the order of the day from now on when bailing out banks.  It won't be long before it's policy in Italy and then Spain and maybe one day the UK and even Canadia (after 2015 of course).  

Now I know that not everyone worked hard squirreling away their earnings.  Some folks who would be fleeced would be the crooks who usually steal from the hardworking.  But to steal from everyone is a bad idea.  But it's also a great idea if you get my meaning. . . 

Anyway they're only getting people's money over 100,000 euros but that's still a bad precedent.  I wonder what the price of gold will be tomorrow morning.  Maybe it's a good time to get our money out of our accounts?

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