Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fuck Don't Breed

This shirt kind of speaks for itself. I consider it part of my ongoing population series including the One Child Policy, Stop at Two and Vote for Human Extinction.

Humans are sexual animals; we like to fuck often. Nothing wrong with that, despite what various churches and politicians like to tell us. Sorry boys, nothing wrong with feeling good with another person (or bunch of people, but with polyamory good luck is all I can say). So this shirt celebrates the sexual urge but says, lets not be thoughtless when it comes to population.

Earth is certainly overpopulated and our numbers are poised to drop pretty soon once ecological reality finally dawns on us--unless of course we embrace birth control in a big way. Seriously though, if humans are the top predator in the global ecosystem then logically we should have the smallest number of members of our species. Remember that ecosystem pyramid from primary school: plants on the bottom with the largest population, followed by insects, then small mammals then large predatory animals, like eagles for instance, with the smallest population. We have smashed this natural pyramid pretty good.

So Fuck Don't Breed. Simple: have fun and choose abstinence. Live a great life and leave the earth a better place than when you entered it by not having children.

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