Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Subtract Economists

There's a great line from the Simpsons, you might remember it. The incomparable Lionel Hutz, sitting at the Simpson's kitchen table, asked the family to imagine a world without lawyers. They imagined a world of peace and happiness and joy. He shuddered.

Perhaps now economists are the new lawyers. Most people should be pretty pissed off at the people that have designed the shell game known as the global economy. How many people are living in tent camps outside of major cities having been evicted from their homes? How many people have lost their retirement incomes in a moment? Why isn't Allan Greenspan hanging from a tree? Why are the rich, the economists all collecting government bailouts while the poor, with their ranks growing every day, all toil and rot?

Originally I designed this shirt with a shotgun (easy for subtracting things) but it didn't look good on printing so I went back to school for the old subtraction formula.

Thanks to Drew for being such a good sport!

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