Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Fight Club and Haiti's Latest Conquest

In interesting news, a Fight Club was recently discovered at the University of Manitoba. One assumes that the organizers have mere moved the club to another location and we wish them well. Remember that pummeling each other isn't enough, we have to embrace the second stage of Fight Club, Project Mayhem to be truly affective. Now go trash some corporate art and don't stop there.


I'm a little disturbed by all the Canadian backslapping that's going on around the recent Haitian earthquake. We're all told how much of a difference Canadians are making in Haiti, going there and throwing around their charity. Let's all celebrate how great Canada is! Meanwhile people are bandaging severed limbs with duct tape. It's enough to make you want to puke if you have any awareness of the history of Haiti. Canada is definitely not a friend to the people of Haiti. Check out this well documented backgrounder.

To keep riding the imperialist train the US military has effectively occupied the Port-Au-Prince Airport, the country's only international airport apparently. Check out this well documented piece from Democracy Now! This might make sense given the situation but it seems that the US military is prioritizing the arrival of soldiers and military hardware over humanitarian aid.

This move fosters in westerners, like you and I, the idea that Haitians (and blacks in general) are lawless barbarians who must be policed severely. This is further reinforced by all the stories of generous Canadian policemen and women and soldiers who were in Haiti training police there.

Oh the savage dark skinned barbarian myth! Some things never change.

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