Monday, May 3, 2010

Beautiful Moment

I just experienced a lovely moment in the garden. I have been digging holes for the almost 100 fruit trees that are due to arrive (after a long and arduous journey) tomorrow. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with planting and then watering all these trees over the summer. And there have been no signs of wwoofers on their ways which means it's on me. I have been harbouring the thought that Dan and I went overboard buying all these trees.

Then walking back from the hole digging, I noticed a bald eagle slowly gliding over the field. I crouched down in the grass to observe his or her passage. Directly over the vegetable garden a dozen swallows (I'm not sure what species they are but they beat fast and then cruise and look like they are chasing bugs) were flying and playing. One had approached our smiling scarecrow and pecked him right in the face. It was comical.

Then the eagle passed over, happily not noticing Buddy who was with me but some distance away. As I went to stand up, a marsh hawk took off from the grass at the top of the hill and glided over the garden. It rapidly dove into the grass but alighted again and departed over the forest.

It was a lovely moment, that has temporarily driven away any blues and stress that I was feeling. I'm going to hold onto its memory as I continue to dig away all this afternoon.

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