Sunday, June 27, 2010

June Thoughts

I haven't written in ages. We've been pretty full on here at Wild Roots since mid-June. Thought I should share some pictures and some news.

We have two great wwoofers helping out and we've been making beds and pulling weeds pretty much exclusively. It's a lot of hard work but they have been happy to do it. Can't really ask for more. We still have more seedlings than we have bed space but we're working on it. Thanks to Maggie and Piramila.

Jane and Minou have arrived. They are both having a great time. Minou caught her first mouse yesterday and we had to drag her back to the house or she would have stayed outside all day and night. Jane and I were both worried that Buddy would attack and wound her for invading his space but as usual he has surprised me. This is the cat by the way who attacked two dogs when they entered our house. Maybe her smaller stature made him feel comfortable. All she got were two hisses and now they are friends. They even eat together and Minou pushes him out of the way to get to his food. Good old Buddysatva.

I've started to get up at 6am every day. It's a nice time to be up. The weather is cool and the bugs are slow (fracking cucumber beetles). I do all my watering between 6-7 and then come in for breakfast. Frances was the one who wanted to get up early but she always sleeps in to about 8am. No problem but 6am makes for some beautiful starts to the day. I just have to have a nap around lunch or I'm beat around 8pm.

So blogging is kind of taking a back seat to all this activity. But I'll try my best to at least put up some photos.

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