Saturday, September 17, 2011

Go Palestine!

I've been watching the Palestinian plan to to approach the UN for full membership with some amazement and not much expectation.

For a few years the Palestinian government has been lobbying governments around the world for their support at the UN. They want to be recognized as a state on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as their capital. It's funny because even the Americans, the lapdogs of Israel, have wanted Palestine to have these borders.

But here they are, about to stand alone with Israel, and veto the Palestinians' Linkrequest of recognition. It's quite a bizarre game they are playing. So there will be no Palestine. Not while the unjust Security Council sits. But it's likely that the General Assembly, representing all countries, will approve their request and grant them more legitimacy.

I just read a great article about the last minute lobbying of the Palestinians and the US and Israel's desperate attempts to get them to stop. It's so gratifying to see that the Palestinians have some backbone. I pretty much expected them to cave after vague promises from the US to 'get Israel and the Palestinians back to the table' (every time I hear it it makes me want to puke). All the while the paint is drying on new settlements.

Here are some quotes from a Palestinian representative heading to the UN soon:

"Mr Blair doesn't sound like a neutral interlocutor, he sounds very much like an Israeli diplomat sometimes". (Duh)

The US is "not a neutral observer, but a strategic ally of Israel". (Double Duh)

On US pressure and threats of withdrawing funding: "You don't barter for your rights for money."

Good luck Palestine--you've always been alone against the world. Maybe things are changing.

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