Sunday, September 4, 2011

High speed

Oh accursed high speed. We just got it. I have been reluctant to switch from dial-up since moving here. We talked about it and the price always seemed quite high. Dial-up kept us honest in a way. Just email and the news and blogging of course. No high res pictures or youtube. But since Jane moved out it seemed that it would be good to have high speed.

It's funny how you can talk yourself into it. I've justified it that if we go with high speed then I can once and for all cancel the bloated, money sucking phone that we have with Bell. They charge $40 a month for phone and an answering machine! Shit. Yak has a VOIP phone for $14 a month and I think it has an answering machine included. Of course then I have to get a cell phone in case of emergencies when the power is out. So that's more buying and selling. In the end I'm feeling guilty I guess with all this shopping around and comparing.

But the worst is spending many hours on my laptop typing away and reading articles and watching new episodes of Futurama. I always tell people that we have to smash our televisions and we certainly should. But now I'm realizing that all we've done is moved that corporate brainwashing to a smaller screen. So I have to redouble my efforts and harness what I've learned thanks to dial-up. Just get on and get off.

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