Saturday, April 18, 2009

Mushroom Mania

So I haven't been feeling much like writing lately. When I write it never feels right or something so I just sign out. It might also be asking myself: why the hell am I maintaining this blog? But maybe I'll just take lots of pictures until I decide that I have something worth saying. So here are some pictures to share.

Lots of spring mushrooms (many that we can actually use to make tea) and a pile of wood to keep us warm next year. It's good to plan ahead but that's a lot of chopping.

I found this one on the other side of the brook in a punky stump. It wasn't that red, that's the camera compensating. It was more purple but very pretty.

Dan found this one, which weighs quite a bit down the road and up an old logging road. He lugged it all the way home. I think he said it's an artists conch and he plans to dry it out and use it to make tea. Mushroom tea is a good preventative medicine in fighting cancer.

I tried to identify these and I think they are turkey tail. Also good in fighting cancer. You can just chew them like tobacco (not so good for cancer).

We had seven cords of wood delivered. Nice hardwoods, mostly maple, beech and birch. So we'll be nice and toasty next year. We're hoping that seven cords is way too many and we'll have some saved for the following year. Still trying to figure out how much firewood we are going to need. I guess it depends on the winter.

Oh yeah, the dog is our friend Molly who lives on the other side of the valley. She's visiting while her housemates are off on the mainland. Buddy is very angry about having a dog in the house. But they have yet to drop the gloves, to use a playoff saying. We're enjoying the playoffs as well. Life is pretty nice right now.

Before the black flies.

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