Monday, April 5, 2010

What a Weekend!

It was 26 degrees this weekend. A farmer who grew up in the valley and has followed the weather for approximately 60 years told me that he had never seen a year like this one before. Despite the joy of t-shirts and sun hats and planting peas, this is scary stuff. But maybe I should chill out with the global warming/climate change rhetoric. There are strange years like this one once in a while. So I won't waste any breath on lamenting the trajectory of climate change.

This was the weekend I came back from the city. I'm very glad to be back. And what a welcome! I'm looking forward to doing some cleaning and organizing. And then there are the weeds. The warm weather has another effect besides sunstroke and dehydration. So it's going to be a long spring of digging up dandelions and various grasses.

But the reward will be great. I promise some photos soon.

1 comment:

  1. mmm dandelion root tea! I've been collecting all the roots I pull and roastin' 'em, they make the tastiest tea I've ever had.
